Order Management

Effortlessly Manage Your Multi-Channel Ecommerce with Seamless Order Navigation

Over 20+ sales channel integrations

Unify All Your Ecommerce Orders

Eliminate the chaos of multi-platform order management. Our Order Management module syncs all your sales channels into one dashboard for simplified, central control.

Transform Your Order Fulfillment With One-Click

Embrace the simplicity of processing multiple shipments at once, freeing your schedule for growth-driven activities and strategic planning.

Automation that take care of your repetitive tasks

Automatic Shipment Creation

Automatically generate shipments as orders come in, eliminating manual entry and saving precious time.

Optimise Carrier Selection

Intelligent rules assign the most cost-effective carrier for each order, ensuring you always ship smartly and affordable,

Seamless Label Generation

Produce accurate, ready-to-print labels automatically as soon as a shipment is created, avoiding manual errors and accelerating your shipping process.

Merge Package Automation

Effortlessly consolidate multiple orders for the same customer into a single shipment, reducing shipping costs and simplifying your fulfillment process.

Customise Your Dashboard for Streamlined Order Tracking

With bespoke tabs and filters, you gain precise control and clarity over your orders, enhancing your operational efficiency.

Automate Your Shipment Creation for Faster Delivery

Enhance your dispatch efficiency with a system that automatically generates shipments, ensuring your products reach customers swiftly and your satisfaction ratings soar.

Hear What Our Clients Have to Say

Customers of all sizes — from startups to enterprise — use Lofko to propel their businesses forward.

  • "EIZ's fulfilment system seamlessly integrates with our WMS, aligning orders from our website to our WMS and then to EIZ, saving us a fortune on shipping rates."

    Tim Huang

    Co-Founder, Bubble Tea Club

  • "With EIZ, we've implemented cutting-edge solutions like streamlined shipping and carrier integrations, and smart automations..."

    Selwyn Lazar

    Co-Founder, Petlab

  • "EIZ Technology has been an outstanding partner, automating our carrier selection and freight pricing systems through a live API setup."

    Ross Elliot

    Managing Director, Snowgum